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  香港传媒学院(HONG KONG INSTITUDE OF COMMUNICATIONS)始创于2003年,是经由香港特区政府批准注册成立的一所从事工商管理教育、学术交流及管理諮询业务的传媒学院。香港传媒学院以传统教学和远程教学相结合见长,遍布全球的学员逾10000位。学员广泛分布于香港、澳门、台湾、东南亚及中国大陆。





  Founded in 2003, HONG KONG INSTITUDE OF COMMUNICATIONS registered in the media and communication education, academic communication and consultation, which is approved by the Hong Kong SAR government. HONG KONG INSTITUDE OF COMMUNICATION is an expert in interconnect traditional teaching and remote instruction. There are about five thousand students in the greater China , widely distributed in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, southeast Asia and mainland China.

  The birth of HONG KONG INSTITUDE OF COMMUNICATIONS, is to grasp the opportunities of Asia and China's rapid economic growths. And build a renowned education institution with the strategy of "innovation, change, excellence pursuit " and the concept of "Chinese and western interconnection " in the whole Asian。

  Based in Hong Kong, to Asia. With all form, emphasize on practical applicability. HONG KONG INSTITUDE OF COMMUNICATIONS is dedicated to provided students art and media practical refine course. The institute attracted a group of the international first-class art and media professors. And promote the latest achievements of western management with Asian native the latest management practice, so as to the greater China region has created a large number of world-class business leaders, and provide a new thinking, new vision and new countermeasures for Chinese enterprises to Join the world's advanced ranks.

  HONG KONG ASIA BUSINESS COLLEGE students in training, in addition to adhere to the Chinese knowledge to preach, pay more attention to "social sense of responsibility, professional integrity, team spirit and humanistic care" of the core values of the forging. The institute's professors have the knowledge of Asia, China, and have a focus on practical matters, and internationally acclaimed by it's instruction and academic research.